Now here's some great old time singing! I have no information of this group. Its safe to assume that they were probably from East TN, West NC, East WV or Southwest VA because this was recorded in Johnson City, TN on October 18, 1928. These are the only sides that they cut.
One thing I should note: Their version of My Old Cottage Home predates the Carter Family's recording of it by 2 and a half years.
Great stuff! ENJOY!
Click Here to Download
One thing I should note: Their version of My Old Cottage Home predates the Carter Family's recording of it by 2 and a half years.
Great stuff! ENJOY!
Click Here to Download
Just look at the shine on that record. So pretty. Thanks for this rare one.
شركة لمسات تعتبر اقوى وافضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بجدة وتعد من اقوي شركات مكافحة الحشرات بجدة لأنها شركة متميزة ولديها فريق عمل متخصص وتستخدم دائما ما شركة صيانة خزانات بجدة ما يناسب وضعها ومكانتها فى سوق العمل شركة تنظيف منازل بجدة , نحن نقدم اليكم خدمتنا , فاذا استعنت بنا شركة تنظيف منازل بمكة فانت الرابح الاكبر لا تترد فى الاتصال وسوف نصلك فى اى مكان