Sid Harkreader and Grady Moore
Here is a large majority of Sid Harkreader's commercial recordings. These sides come from the collections of several of my friends who collect pre-war 78s. This is probably the only place that you'll find this many Sid Harkreader recordings in one place, so I hope you'll enjoy hearing them.
Sid Harkreader - Solo Vocalion Session- April 13-15, 1925
The Dying Girl's Message
New River Train
Where is My Boy Tonight
I Wish I Was a Single Girl Again
Many Time With You I Wandered
Southern Whistling Coon
Struttin' Round
Sid Harkreader and Grady Moore - Paramount - June 1927
The Bully of the Town
Hand Me Down My Walking Cane
Old Joe
John Henry
There's A Little Rosewood Casket
The Gambler's Dying Words
A Picture From Life's Other Side
Where We'll Never Grow Old
Kitty Wells
Way Down In Jail on My Knees
My Little Home in Tennessee
In the Sweet Bye and Bye
The Old Rugged Cross
Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown
Lazy Tennessee
Sid Harkreader and Blythe Poteet - Paramount - April 1928
Red River Valley
It Won't Be Long Now
Life's Railway to Heaven
He'll Find No Girl Like Me
Sweet Bird
Drink Her Down
Take Me Back to My Old Carolina Home
Wang Wang Blues
Where Is My Mama
Travelling Coon
Chin Music
On the Bowery